Don’t Look Back #3: Show His Worth to Others

I’ve been sharing in Post 1 and Post 2 how hard I’ve found the call to follow Christ to be at times and yet that I see purpose in this tearing away and even joy in it… God is reminding me that HE is the true treasure my heart seeks and living here is a chance to see Him as that treasure both in how I receive/reject “good” things and embrace hard times. But I also get an opportunity in each to show His worth to others.

Lesson 2:
But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.  Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him”-Philippians 3:7-9a

Both the good and hard things are not just for my growth, but an opportunity to show His great value to others. God gives everyone good and hard things, not just those that are His. I believe that He does this so that His own can reject good things to pursue Him or embrace hard things to show His great worth. That’s what Paul was saying he wanted- to hate the “good” things and see them for the filthy and temporal things they are and instead RUN towards Jesus and be found in Him, knowing Him more and more! Amen! We can reject these good things like “home”, family, and being known by others and yet have FULL JOY. Why? Because Jesus is the joy and treasure and when we give those others up, it opens us to know Him more and more as we press into Him for those desires. I’m seeing it in this small giving up we’ve had and it’s incredible. He is incredible!

 So here are questions I’m daily asking myself:

Ease: Do I enjoy “good and ease” as much as people without Christ do? Do I see that though they are good gifts, they aren’t THE gift? Am I passing up “good” things and opportunities and showing that Christ is THE treasure?

Suffering: Do I expect hardship/suffering? Do I really see that we ALL deserve them because we aren’t good? Is my response in those times showing as things are taken away that Christ is the treasure of my heart? Does the suffering reveal that as I cling more readily to Him in it? Do I embrace suffering as a way to know Him more and be found in Him?

Oh how God truly is using this time for my good. And it is so very good, even in the pain of it. This tearing away is bringing me daily to Him. And He is so very faithful to bring peace, comfort, and joy here and remind me of the unending JOY with Him for those of us that are His someday on New Earth. God is so very, very good.

“as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.”  –Philippians 1:20


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