Be Transformed Post #1: Does "quiet time" exist when you have small kids?

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”- Romans 12:1-2

 Here Paul says we can know God’s will and know what is good and perfect (only Christ) only by being renewed (a consistant habit) through the Word. “the nonconformity to the world does not primarily mean the external avoidance of worldly behaviors. That’s included. But you can avoid all kinds of worldly behaviors and not be transformed”- John Piper

Paul says it’s not just a “don’t conform”, but an action of being transformed.

“Oh, how crucial this is! If you long to break loose from conformity to the world, if you long to be transformed and new from the inside out, if you long to be free from mere duty-driven Christianity and do what you love to do because what you love to do is what you ought to do, if you long to offer up your body as a living sacrifice so that your whole life becomes a spiritual act of worship and displays the worth of Christ above the worth of the world, then give yourself with all your might to pursuing this—the renewal of your mind. Because the Bible says, this is the key to transformation.”- John Piper
I was totally convicted as I heard John Piper's sermon on Romans 12:1-2 that I could actually miss Christ if I am not daily in His Word. Though my turn away had been slow and gradual, I was starting to see in my attitude (my longing for a break from Mommy-hood and my desire for someone to see how hard I’m working and praise me, etc) that Christ was not my full treasure, portion, and reward. The very roles and calls I had begged Him to give me were now my full focus.  Most of the time I loved them, but sometimes they were the very things I dreaded doing b/c I was so drained by them and they are unending. I needed transformation, not from my roles, but to once again have JOY in Christ throughout daily life. God lovingly showed me (again) how I can have that. It only happens when HE and His Word are my daily priority… that is where/how transformation happens.
Next post I'll share how in Christ's strength, even in a time consuming season of life, we can "find time"


I'm always so encouraged to hear that your struggles are the same as mine - and see again and again how God brings us both through them, patiently reminding us of the same things He's already taught us.
I know it's necessary to be reminded, and it makes me think of these verses from 1 Peter:

"For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins. Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall. For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore I intend always to REMIND you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of REMINDER....
(2Pe 1:8-13)

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