
Showing posts from 2012

my weight

My weight. A battle in my life for years. I have a desire to honor God, to look/feel good, and an inability to do it. Most of the time. A friend once shared her own struggle to seek Christ first in it as a struggle between two false gods of pleasure and vanity. That's SO me.  Pleasure-I want whatever food I want, when I want. It's to please me and I look to cake/cookies to satisfy what I know only God can. Vanity- Yet when God gives me the ability to honor Him in daily eating, I lose weight. And i LOVE that I've lost it. I may not brag openly, yet my heart is the same. I still hope people will notice and that becomes my god.  But what is amazing me in my daily battle is God's grace. He knows this about me and as He shows me daily, He's offering a way out. Himself. I'm bouncing back and forth from the path of vanity/glory to the path of pleasure/gluttony and He just keeps gently guiding me back to His path of life and freedom. It's beautiful. I'm so th...

Lessons from a 5 year old

Last year Jimmy asked to start a new Easter tradition. He wanted us to put up a paper cross. Then he cut out black circles for nails. He asked me to write "Jesus died for our sins". But the day of Easter he lead us in a sweet time of confession and forgiveness with that cross. He wrote our names on it by the nails and had us write specific sin near our name and then he stuck the nails over it to show that Jesus' death covered that sin. Wow. Love him and the lessons he teaches me. Jimmy by his cross our sins covered by Jesus the finished cross to remind us in Him is forgiveness of sin

Lights and Pictures

I'm so visual that I knew using candles with lent readings at home would be meaningful to me. But I had no clue how powerful the lenten light readings John and Noel Piper made would be. Wow! Amazing. We use them the week leading up to Easter and place small tea lights from the dollar store on a plate. Each night Andy reads the devotional printed off from and we blow out a candle each day through Good Friday until Easter Sunday when we light all of them again to show that Jesus beat sin and death and rose again! Andy reading A light is snuffed out after each reading Jim was fascinated Jesus is alive. The tomb is empty. Light of the world has come!!! close up of candles next to our homemade tomb Here's Noel Piper's intro explanation: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” ( John 1:5 ). But for a while it seemed as if the darkness  was  overcoming—for a  long  while. Your seven candles symboliz...

We should but we don't

Thinking more and more about Jesus today. Just read this Martin Luther quote. Wow: "If we consider the persons, we ought to suffer a thousand and again a thousand times more than Christ because he is God and we are dust and ashes, yet it is the reverse. He who had a thousand and again a thousand times less need, has taken upon himself a thousand and again a thousand times more than we. No understanding can fathom nor tongue can express, no writing can record, but only the inward feeling can grasp what is involved in the suffering of Christ."


Some things in life have felt impossible to me lately. Like having all our needs met. Being able to own a home. Healing my sick baby. So as things feel impossible, I'm fighting the feelings by remembering just how possible everything is through Christ. What was impossible??? It was impossible for death to keep hold of Him. THAT is what's impossible. Everything else seems so very possible to me when I hang on this truth. Jesus who beat death now gives his own salvation and every good thing. Amazing! "But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him" Wow! It was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him. Amen:) I love this JC Ryle reflection on Christ's suffering and resurrection: "We must not be content with a vague belief that Christ’s sufferings on the cross were vicarious.  We are intended to see this truth in every part of His passion.  We may follow Him all through...

How to Read the Old Testament

I LOVE this post by Dane Ortlund about reading the Old Testament. Check it out here . Here's a glimpse: What are other ways we might read the Bible? The Gold Mine Approach  – reading the Bible as a vast, cavernous, dark mine, in which one occasionally stumbles upon a nugget of inspiration. Result: confused reading.  The Hero Approach  – reading the Bible as a moral hall of fame that gives us one example after another of heroic spiritual giants to emulate. Result: despairing reading.  The Rules Approach  – reading the Bible on the lookout for commands to obey to subtly reinforce a sense of personal superiority. Result: Pharisaical reading.  The Artifact Approach  – reading the Bible as an ancient document about events in the Middle East a few thousand years ago that are irrelevant to my life today. Result: bored reading.  The Guidebook Approach  – reading the Bible as a roadmap to tell me where to work, whom to marry, and what shampo...

Easter links

Here's a roundup of some of my thoughts I've posted in the past on Easter . Follow the Easter link to see posts on: - our traditions to teach our kids and stay our hearts (including a playdough tomb , resurrection eggs , and a empty/full basket switch ) -good books/dvds - a link to the Lenton Lights devotional we use -my thoughts as I reflected on my sin , Christ's suffering ,  death , and His resurrection

In the Midst of My Storm

I'm not sure if this post is me processing, confessing, or just sharing things I'm learning. Please forgive the awkward writing style that reflects the confusion. Today I was in Luke 8. I've been praying and processing through some circumstances and my heart in them. As I read Jesus calming the storm, I was struck by 2 things: 1- there was real danger. Luke didn't say it was perceived that the storm was sinking the boat. He says the boat was filling and the disciples were in danger and they knew it. That's how I've been feeling. One circumstance I often grapple through is our finances. We aren't in trouble, but our daily needs are met through churches and individuals that give to our ministry, and at times, they give less than they committed to. Some even have to stop giving for various reasons and seasons which means we need to leave the studio to go meet with more churches and individuals. Since we set our salary based on needs, I'm always trying to...


I've been sharing some of my thoughts on Jesus' command for us in Matthew 28. I've looked at the promise , the call to go , making disciples , and baptism . Today, I'll share my thoughts on teaching: And Jesus came and said to them,   “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.   Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,   teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you . And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Ah... teaching. There is value in bringing people in our lives to hear the Word preached at church and sending them to conferences or websites of national teachers. We are certainly not all gifted teachers. BUT- Jesus called all of us to teach, not just the gifted. He didn't challenge us to do anything more than teach them to observe all that He commanded us. Teach them wha...

Baptize- more than water

I've been going through Jesus' command for us in Matthew 28 and shared first the promise as we obey, then that it starts when we go and engage others, and that discipleship involves pouring Christ through pouring our our lives into others over time. Today, I'll look at baptizing: And Jesus came and said to them,   “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.   Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,  baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ,   teaching them to observe all that  have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” There's an obvious application here- physical baptism. It's an incredible joy to see someone you love receive Christ's salvation. Water baptism is a public profession of that faith and a tangible showing of their death to sin and life in Christ. Sweet memory- My first 'disciples b...

Make Disciples

I've been going through Jesus' command for us in Matthew 28 and shared both the promise as we obey and that it starts when we go and engage others. Today, I'll look at the next chunk: And Jesus came and said to them,   “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.   Go therefore and  make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,   teaching them to observe all that  have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Making disciples has been key to me. When I go and reach out to share Jesus, I also stay. By that I mean, I go to them and intend to stay in their lives. Jesus taught many, but poured into 12 men. He shared His teachings, but also brought them into His daily life of weddings, ministry to others, travel,  and even asked them to pray during His darkest hour. He explained God's wa...


I shared how God gave me a fresh glimpse of His nearness through Matthew 28. In that post , I gave a brief sentence about God guiding us through the Great Commission in tangible ways to give us vision and goals to reach our neighbors and the world. Some of you asked me to share what I've gleaned from this passage. So I'll share in this series a few gems God taught me through Matthew 28:18-20. Today I'll just share one phrase: Go! And Jesus came and said to them,   “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.   Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,   teaching them to observe all that  have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” It seems pretty straightforward, but God spurs me on daily with this word: Go. He gave us His authority. He's with us. I don't go alone or in my...

Daddy dates

I loved this post from the resurgence on Daddy-dates and think every Dad I know should read it! What a sweet idea. I remember Monday night Chinese dinners with my dad when my mom was on a board and at her meetings. He could have just ordered something in and sat in front of the tv, but instead, he took my sister and I out each week and spent time with us. Those memories are cherished and my relationship with my Dad is still real and precious. I think that regular time with him affirmed His love for me and I'm so glad he took time to show me in action. My kids have an incredible father who regularly takes them fishing, makes special pancake breakfasts, buys matching pjs, and has lots of tickling and wrestling time set aside for them. It takes time together to pour into your kids. I'm thankful Andy does the hard work and gets to enjoy the fun of it. typical Daddy tickle/wrestle floor time in our home... But back to the link. Here's one of my favorite parts of the Da...

Amazing Conference

I haven't been to a conference in years (mainly because they are expensive), but last September I signed up for the Gospel Coalition Women's Conference coming up in Orlando June 22-24, 2012. Why did I sign up so early? Because I want to grow and be equipped to know Jesus more and share Him daily. Because I want fellowship with other ladies and a little time away from my kids for a weekend to be refreshed and replenished to go back in and lay down my life daily for them again. And- I've never seen a line-up of so many heavy hitter speakers all to equip women to fall more in love with Jesus and go be salt and light. John and Noel Piper, Nancy Guthrie, Tim Keller, Susan Hunt, Elyse Fitzpatrick, Don Carson, Nancy leigh DeMoss, Carolyn Mahaney, etc. Seriously- the list floors me. And I LOVE the session topics. I can go hear about ways to pour into women, my children, or intentionality in the workforce. It's rare to see those all available. I'm so thankful. I can'...

Good Gift

I've been thinking a lot about God's gifts lately. We've been praying for a friend battling cancer. We've been asking God for healing, asking (at her request) that He help her to see this season as beautiful in it's time, and asking that in her living and preparing for death (whenever that may be) that He will be glorified. God spoke to me through this passage: "What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! ”- Luke 11:11-13  We've been asking Him for gifts for our friend. And He reminded me that He is giving her (and us) THE gift. Himself. He doesn't just just give healing, but The Healer. Not just finances, but The Provider. Not just wisdom, but The Spirit, who is wisdom, to live in us and walk thro...

How I Want to Live and Die

‎"Let's live and speak so that men and women might know that Jesus Christ is a great Savior, the Son of the Most High, and the never ending King of Kings" -John Piper (on Luke 1:30-35)

He is With Me

Have you ever read a really familiar passage of Scripture and been hit by one chunk of it all fresh and new? This happened this week and it's been an amazing experience of Him. Hopefully reading this with my highlight will show you: And Jesus came and said to them,   “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.   Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,   teaching them to observe all that  have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. ” There it is! "Behold, I am with you. Always!" I have loved this chuck of Scripture for so long. I've heard many sermons, read much commentary, and even posted this on my wall for a long season. It has spurred me on and guided me in how to tangibly share Christ in my home, neighborhood, and the world.  It's been a constant vision and goal as we prayer...

The day my Grandpa Died

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.    Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”-   Ephesians 5:15-1 7 Today I'm remembering one of the first men in my life- my grandpa- Stan Fink. We lived a town apart, just across a bridge from each other. I saw him several times a week for most of my life. He was known by most as former editor of the Atlantic City Press. But to me, he's the guy who wrote amazingly personal and wise letters to all who he loved, made up silly games for my sister and I to play, had the cookies stashed in tins under the sink counter, and watched the stock market close every day. He babysat us regularly (long after my grandma passed away), bought us nice things or wrote checks with generous amounts as gifts, picked us up from school, signed me out of school and took me to get my cast removed in 5th grade,  came to all my concerts, s...

The Poor...

God responds to the needs of the poor with compassion. Wonder how God responds to those who neglect the needs of the poor? Challenged by David Platt... encouraging you to watch this short clip and be challenged as well.

Fullness of God's Timing

"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons." So thankful God's timing is perfect and His ways are for our good.

10 Life-Changing Books

I have SO many resources that I love, but I want to share a few gems that I hope will hit your reading list, too. 1) the Daily Walk Bible - Though it's not super insightful, it's special to me because it's the Bible I first used to read through God's Word from Genesis to Revelation. That time impacted me and began a habit of reading through the Word. I have grown to know God in such deeper ways and even know His Word so much better because of the habit started by this Bible format. Really, I would just encourage you to pick a Bible and reading plan that best fit you and read it. This has impacted my life more than ANY other thing I've ever done. 2) Don't Waste Your Life , John Piper- I remember bawling on a plane in Panama when I read a page where he spoke as a father pleased with us for seeking God. My dad loves me (a lot), but that is something he doesn't understand about me and to hear a father encourage me that my life is unwasted when Christ is the ...

Do we see grace?

I LOVE the post Dane Ortlund wrote showing grace throughout the Bible. I think we tend to miss how grace-filled His Word is (we especially miss it in the Old Testament). Go read the full list of every book  and be encouraged at how unified (not uniform) the Bible is! Here are some highlights... Genesis shows God’s grace to a universally wicked world as he enters into relationship with a sinful family line (Abraham) and promises to bless the world through him. Exodus shows God’s grace to his enslaved people in bringing them out of Egyptian bondage. Leviticus shows God’s grace in providing his people with a sacrificial system to atone for their sins. Numbers shows God’s grace in patiently sustaining his grumbling people in the wilderness and bringing them to the border of the promised land not because of them but in spite of them.... Esther shows God’s grace in protecting his people from a Persian plot to eradicate them through a string of 'fortuitous' events. Job ...

Begging In the Walmart Parking Lot...

I'm still processing through my encounter with a woman in the Walmart parking lot. Maybe you've had these encounters too... We've had people at rest stops who say they lost their credit card and can't get home, men at gas stations asking us to fill their tanks, teens in parking lots asking for donations (and offering a "gift" out of their trunk) to teach at risk kids about drug abuse, and, most often, women (sometimes with a child) crying and telling us how mean everyone has been as they ask for $4 to catch a bus home. It happens a lot. Definitely once a month, sometimes several times in one week. My thoughts are not about whether the stories are true or not. I don't know the motivation, but I'm usually guessing it's a "scam" (though I hate that word). It's where my heart goes that bothers me... and I believe God continues to allow these encounters to lovingly draw out my own pride and sense of entitlement. I usually give money, bu...

How Was Our Present-less Christmas?

I blogged last month (read the posts  here and here ) about our choice this Christmas to give up receiving gifts and instead seek Christ together and give to the least of His people. Have you wondered if our Christmas day was odd without getting gifts? It was hands-down the most incredible Christmas I've ever experienced. We kept our traditions of writing things we love about Jesus on paper ornaments (but skipped stocking stuffers attached), eating birthday cake, and reading/acting out Luke 2 and Matthew 2. I just felt overwhelmed by the truth that Jesus IS THE treasure our hearts seek. And He so freely gave Himself to us. I'm so beyond thrilled to be His and the time we had to reflect and pour Him into our kids all morning served as a sweet reminder to me of Jesus as THE gift.  And then we went online to give through Gospel for Asia. That was so much fun and such an amazing feeling. We really are so very rich and it felt so right to spend our riches giving to meet...

Does Your Home Feel Organized?

Tis the season for renewed vigor at seeking Christ, caring for our bodies, loving our family better, and getting our homes in shape. I thought I'd share my favorite book for gaining a vision for your home and simplifying it. It's a book called Organized Simplicity . It's awesome! In it, Tsh has tips for scheduling, calendars, etc. and takes you through an actual step by step/room to room process to a clean home, but first has you set a mission and vision with your husband for your family, home, and then evaluate how each room fits that. It radically changed how we fill our home. They wanted to play together, but I wanted safety Example: We realized as we went though that Jimmy's room wasn't fitting our family. Because he had a toddler brother and lots of small toys, his door always had to be closed. But Jimmy never went in there because he hated being alone. So we sorted through, giving away some toys and added shelving and bins to his closet, making room for hi...

Update on my 3rd C-Section

Some of you have asked me to share how my surgery went. I'm sitting here almost a week later staring at my precious third baby boy thinking how sweet God's gifts to us are. He's small and cute and perfect. Our family is so much fuller because he's here and it makes it seem silly to talk about anything else...but onto the surgery and what I learned: We need the church - I felt so overwhelmed by fear at just the thought of going into surgery and yet God so covered me with His grace and strength through the love of friends and family. So many sent Scripture to encourage me, blog posts to help prep me, and lots of hugs, prayers, and kind words. It reminded me that we need each other. In a time of really weak faith, I had an army of faith-filled friends and family fighting with me to hold me strong towards God. It was Ephesians 6 (armor of God) lived out in community and it was an incredible (and humbling) experience. Sometimes the things you fear DO happen - When I st...