He is With Me

Have you ever read a really familiar passage of Scripture and been hit by one chunk of it all fresh and new? This happened this week and it's been an amazing experience of Him. Hopefully reading this with my highlight will show you:
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that  have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
There it is! "Behold, I am with you. Always!" I have loved this chuck of Scripture for so long. I've heard many sermons, read much commentary, and even posted this on my wall for a long season. It has spurred me on and guided me in how to tangibly share Christ in my home, neighborhood, and the world.  It's been a constant vision and goal as we prayerfully stepped out to "go, disciple, baptize, and teach" to remind me of our call in Him. But this time, God spoke so sweetly to me and said, "Ginny, I don't just want you to live the command. I want you to live the promise, too." He was reminding me as I seek to live this out that that He is with me. Always.

He's with me as teach my oldest in school each day. He's with me when I read Biscuit the dog books again and again (and again) to my middle child. He's with me when it feels fruitless as I correct my children when they disobey. He's with me at the 4am infant feed. And again at 6 or 7, when I'm up for the day. He's with me when I step out (fearfully) to get to know a new mom at the playground. He's with me as I pray for my friend/mentor battling cancer and my other friend grieving the sudden loss of her brother. He's with me when I'm sitting on my couch reading facebook and blogs. And when my boys and I dance and sing and put on puppet shows. He's with me when we take family walks, as Andy and I get "alone time" to share our thoughts and dreams, and each night as we read His Word together as a family before bed. He's with me in the easy and the hard. In the funny daily moments and the hard life trials. He is with me. Always.

What an incredible promise. Maybe you need that reminder today, too. I don't know your daily life or trials, but I know this: If you are His, He is with you, too. Always.


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