Andy and Ginny: Part 3, Two Become One
I shared in Post 1 how Andy and I met and in Post 2 how we began dating, so today I’ll share how God lead us to be married!
We started our dating relationship by setting some pretty steep boundaries. We had both been in unhealthy relationships that had not honored God and we really wanted Him to be the Rock and foundation of our relationship. We decided to wait to kiss until our wedding day. We also decided to set one day a week when we were intentional to meet with accountability (separately) who would ask us how we were doing. We both applied to join staff with Campus Crusade. We went to a prayer group in our student union. We lead the mens and womens ministry on campus as well as individual bible studies. We had SO much fun going on adventures, hiking, cliff jumping, driving all over the country to visit family and friends, and even just hanging out and ordering Chinese food and watching Gilmore Girls. God was growing us in Him and knitting our hearts to each other in such a sweet way.
Then, September 11th, 2001 happened. We spent much of the day unsure of Andy’s parents whereabouts and safety. They worked for the government in DC/Arlington, Virginia. Once we heard they were ok (and serving others in the aftermath), we grieved for so many who did not get the same sweet news we did. And then, God called a group of us from WVU to go to New York City (and join hundreds of other Crusade college students). We prayed with people whose loved ones were still missing. We passed out a book of pictures that shared hope through Jesus written by people who knew suffering (like Darryl Scott, whose daughter had been killed in the Columbine shooting). God used us so clearly together as a team. It was exhausting, humbling, and thrilling.
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seeing 2 of "my girls" get baptized! |
On the way home, Andy asked me to consider marrying him. I had no clue he was serious. A month later, Andy proposed. The proposal was not exactly how I’d always dreamed it. (He hung the ring from his Jeep with dental floss! Yikes!) I said yes anyway, but we still laugh about what an awful job he did planning that.
We spent the rest of the year preparing for marriage and planning a wedding. But I had mono and we were both graduating. It was very busy! And then, on May 18th, 2002, God joined Andy and I together as one. It was the most beautiful and perfect day. We enjoyed our first kiss at the altar and have often been reminded through that memory of how God really makes all things new.
I’m so blessed and pleased to be Mrs. Andy Jacobson and thankful for the fun and unique way He brought us together. We’ve had so many more adventures, trials, and memories since then. Hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into our sweet beginning! I'll share next week a few lessons God taught me through some of the harder times I've mentioned in our story.
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Newly Engaged! |
I’m so blessed and pleased to be Mrs. Andy Jacobson and thankful for the fun and unique way He brought us together. We’ve had so many more adventures, trials, and memories since then. Hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into our sweet beginning! I'll share next week a few lessons God taught me through some of the harder times I've mentioned in our story.