Waiting For Morning

"my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning."

Wait on the Lord. I want to wait for Him to come again with a sweet expectancy. The watchmen knew morning would come. They labored through hard nights unsure if they'd see an enemy and have to warn the city. I imagine it was a hard role. And yet, they waited for the morning, knowing it would come. They knew in the morning the city would be safe, their job was done, and they could rest. Somedays are long and some seasons are hard. They are like that long night of watching and waiting. I want to live ready and waiting for Jesus to come. I'm looking excitedly and expectantly for the Son to return in His great power to judge and rule over all. I'm waiting for the whole earth to become a place of rest and joy for those who are His where He is always present. What an exciting thought and peace-filled way to live out my days here waiting.


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