Why Did This Happen?

Have you ever read a passage and suddenly it makes SO much sense? I'm pretty positive I've heard sermons on John 9 that brought out the same things, but as I read through the story of the blind man's healing, I was struck by God's purpose in His blindness.

Here's the aha verse:
"Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."-John 9:2-3

He did nothing wrong, yet he was blind. It reminded me of Job, who was actually praised for his fear of God and upright lifestyle and then chosen to suffer deep loss to show faithfulness to God (Job1-2). I'm reminded that God is purposeful. I'm not saying I think God chooses to harm us and punish. I'm saying that I believe the truth that God is purposeful in all He does. He is glorified in our suffering and it is for our good (Romans 8:28). 

So, I'm encouraged by this blind man and how God's glory was shown through him. I'm thankful for Job's example and Christ's full suffering for my freedom. And I'm learning that God's ways are best. Always. I'm praying God will give me grace in suffering so that instead of asking "Why?" I'll remember to look for His glory. 


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