Thankful That God Gives... and Takes Away

Some thoughts on Job 1:20-22 as I read it:

Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head- Job just received the heartbreaking news that all his animals and even his children are dead. All of them. And he responds by mourning. I'm thankful his pretty words of faith are accompanied by pain and sorrow. What a reminder to me that grief is right and good and it is ok to mourn loss.

...and fell on the ground and worshiped.- Wow. In His grief, He immediately seeks God and worships. What  an example. This has not always been my first response, yet I pray God may give me the grace in seasons of great loss to remember His goodness and worship Him, the TRUE gift and Giver.

And he said, “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” - I'm SO thankful for this chunk and learning from Job. He got it. He knew that everything not only came from God but was STILL His to take away as He pleased.

This is timely for me because Andy and I had a chance to visit our old home for an entire month. That trip was a precious gift from our loving God. We reconnected with friends, experienced fall weather again, slept in the bedroom we shared for the first 9 years of our marriage, and ate the foods I've grown up enjoying. I unexpectedly felt overwhelmed by loss on that trip. I was sad for the things we have given up to be in full time ministry and I missed home. As I met with friends who missed me and shared how hard life without me has been, I felt such deep sadness that our obedience had cost them as well. But God took me here and reminded through Job that NJ was a sweet gift from God for a long season of my life and now full time ministry is the new gift from Him. And what am I supposed to do with a gift? Enjoy it and BE THANKFUL. Isn't that what we set aside this month to remember? Thankfulness? What a timely reminder for me.

Job helped me remember that grieving is right but staying there is missing an opportunity to be grateful for the sweet gifts God gives. My heart is so full with thankfulness to God for how deeply He loves me and how He continually gives more and more to me. As if salvation isn't already a mind blowing gift, He piles on daily life gifts, like an entire month in a place I love, with people I love, eating really good food. What a sweet Savior and Giver God is. :)


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