He Is Risen #2- Celebrating through song

My favorite songs are the ones that are packed full of Biblical truth. These encourage me and remind me of the gospel- pointing me to Jesus. Sovereign Grace music continually does this. This Easter, they have released a celebration of Christ raised from the grave. You should consider buying it (and others by them). Check out their store for song samples, free downloads from past albums, and to purchase.

"He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.”
These words, spoken by an angel to the women at Jesus’s tomb, changed history forever. Christ’s resurrection was more than a display of raw supernatural power. It was the single event that assures us that his payment for our sins has been accepted. God’s wrath is satisfied. Death is defeated. The powers of darkness are overcome. Sin’s dominion has been broken. And the life of the age to come has dawned.
The songs on this album celebrate these realities, experienced and enjoyed by all who place their faith and hope in Jesus Christ. 
 For the next two weeks (through April 4) the MP3 version is available for $5The CD version is $12, and on April 5 price of the MP3 version will go up to $9.

***By the way- A sweet kids pick to listen to together to reflect this Easter is: Passion Hymns for a Kid’s Heart by Bobbie Wolgemuth and Joni Eareckson Tada***


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