"Foolish" Thoughts on Life and Death
Today, Jesus' death just seemed so strange and radical to me. All his closest friends run away terrified that He is letting soldiers attack him (Mark 14). He lets t he soldiers lead him away (15:16) and the rest of their battalion come gang up to mock him, strip him, and beat him (16-19). And He did nothing ! He just took this beating and looked so foolish to them. He couldn't even carry his own cross to be killed because he was that weak from it all (21). Yet, once on the cross, when offered the wine with myrhh (which would ease the pain), he didn't take it (23). So he's clearly weak, yet chooses to takes the full brunt of the pain . Everyone walking by mocked as well and shouted at him to come down from the cross and prove himself (30). The chief priests and scribes said loudly that he couldn't save himself (31-32). Even the criminals hung with him reviled him (32). He looks so foolish to everyone. And He doesn't defend Himself or prove Himself. So ha...