The Righteous Shall Live By Faith

This morning God took me to Habakkuk and i was encouraged as I watched him ask God... How long will wicked prosper? and God answers! Of course, He says He'll use even worse wickedness to destroy them (not the comforting part). Then Habakkuk asks why God would use "really" bad people to destroy the "kinda bad" people... And God answers again! Praise God He is not silent to the "why?" questions we ask!

God answers by saying, "The righteous shall live by faith." Today, that made perfect sense to me. We  can't understand His ways because we aren't Him... so joy comes by trusting that He does know and understand ALL that He is doing! We live and hope by faith in our loving and compassionate God in times that seem contrary trusting as we cling to Him that these times show that we believe and that HE is indeed our Supreme treasure!

I thought of friends who have just gone through HARD times and some about to face them. In my own family there were many really good things to celebrate this year (Caleb, weddings, getting to report to Jesus Film). And yet some really hard things (losing Gam, almost losing our job, not getting paid for months, our family all living really far away)

Today as I read, I was praying that God would strengthen us, so that like Habakkuk (while facing losing crops to live on and family and even his own life) we could say:

"Though the fig tree should not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
and the fields yield no food,
the flock be cut off from the fold
and there be no herd in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
God, the Lord, is my strength;
he makes my feet like the deer's;
he makes me tread on my high places."

I am confident that He will strengthen you as well to rest in faith in Him, in all things, to His glory.


Anonymous said…
Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! This is such a special scripture to me! My LORD gave this WORD to me once when I was in the hospital and not doing so good. It was out of the KJV so the wording was different, but the main focus was, "Although, Yet, I Will". “Although“---bad things ARE going to come into your life; "Yet"---you must determine despite those circumstances that you will rise above them; "I Will:--this is where faith in The One who will take you to YOUR HIGH place, comes in!! How exciting to know HE has a high place just for YOU!! This turned into a message I preached at the church Tim used to pastor and The LORD moved in such a way as I have not seen in a long time!! People were lined up at the altar and several to this day still say this message touches their lives every day!! GOD is so good!! Sorry, for rambling! Thank you for sharing this today. After being up all night with sick kids, I needed that! Have a blessed day!

M Jo Ellen Keeton

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