Celebrating CHRISTmas: Post #2 New to us- the Advent Calendar

My last post was long, so here’s a short one: 

Here's the advent calendar I want (cute drawers to fill with candy, presents, and scripture) once we can afford it:
But for now, we have this homemade felt tree and will be using it as we read through Scripture to encourage us to remain excited as we come closer to the celebration of Christ's birth! We also bought a chocolate filled one for fun to go with it (yum!). 

Though Andy grew up celebrating Christ's coming through the Advent season, this is my first advent experience, so I’ll let you know how we like it.

 As a couple, each morning we're reading from Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus: Experiencing the Peace and Promise of Christmas, by Nancy Guthrie, a compilation of old and new theologians to stay our minds on Christ. What an incredible season of hope. So excited to fix our eyes on Jesus throughout Advent! 

In my next post will share about our Christmas Eve traditions. We LOVE Christmas Eve. It is such a fun night of anticipation!!!!


steffiejoy said…
we got a good deed a day until Christmas Calender this year!...but alas...we are behind! I think we'll catch up tonight :-)
Anonymous said…
Love all your traditions. We are working on making some of our own so that Christmas is not all about getting gifts. I hope that my boys will grow up loving the season because they have a good understanding of what Christmas is really about and they look forward to the family times we have that are Christ-centered. Good ideas Ginny!
Making the Most said…
susy- you are doing AWESOME. we are beyond pumped for 20Something's gift giving to homeless on Christmas morning. so bummed we live far away and can't go with you. what an incredible example you guys are for your kids:) LOVE YOU!!!!
Making the Most said…
here's an online advent guide if anyone is looking for ideas...

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