2 Timothy- the whole Bible points to Jesus

Do you ever follow the links people post on their blogs? I did this week (thanks Justin Taylor!) and I read a really cool sermon series by John Stottthat drew out 2 Timothy in new ways to me. He shows each Chapter as a call to the gospel. 

A call to: 
1)Guard the Gospel (Ch. 1)
2) Suffer for the gospel (Ch. 2)
3) Continue in the gospel (Ch. 3)
4) Preach the gospel (Ch. 4)

Here's one glimpse that stood out to me from his 4th sermon:
"the Bible is the handbook of salvation; it is simply full of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament foretold and foreshadowed him. The Gospels told the story of his birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. The book of Acts described how Christ through his apostles continued to work to preach the gospel of salvation and to found the church. The Epistles displayed the full glory of the divine-human person of Jesus and of his saving work. The book of Revelation portrayed Christ sharing the throne of God and promised us his final victory. The Bible is full of Christ; it depicts him supremely as Savior and invites us to come to Christ. That is the whole purpose of the Bible, to bear witness to Christ..." 

HP:Justin Taylor


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