Our Advent Tree Update

Last year, I shared that we'd be trying an advent tree. It consisted of 25 daily Scripture readings, each symbolized by an ornament we hang on a felt tree to help set our hearts on Jesus during the busy, Christmas season.

We had three weddings in three weeks in three different states, and as a result, traveled so much last December. Having this small, foldable, easily stored felt tree to pull out at each stop brought a little consistency to our trip and gave us our own little tradition that carried through each different place. We hung it from hotel lamps, on a nail near our friend's back door, on a dresser drawer knob at grandma's, and finally, on our living room wall at home.

We loved it and are doing it again this year (though without the travel), so I thought I'd post some pictures of it:

day 25 ornament is a gift, and there's the Scripture card

several ornaments and their cards

Day 1- Holy God and sinful man.

putting the last ornament on the tree!

finished tree (and unhappy to be taking more pictures.)


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