He Is Risen #6-Making a Play Dough Tomb

"God... saved us and called us to a holy calling... which he gave us in Christ Jesus... who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel..." - 2 Timothy 1:9,10
One tradition we have to do each year on Easter week is to make a tomb. I read about it in Noel Piper's book "Treasuring Our Traditions" a few years ago. We have so much fun mixing the dough and baking it. You can decorate it or leave it plain. We use the tomb for our kids (Jimmy started at age 3) to tell us the Easter story.We take a family walk and collect sticks while we are out (to be used as crosses). Then we come home and mix our dough (you could just use pre-made play dough if you prefer.) Check out Noel's blog post for her recipe and pictures.

It does take a bit to cool. we usually make the dough into the mountain on Thursday night, so we can let it sit overnight and use it Friday morning.

Then we put a picture of Jesus on the cross on our cross and place it on the mountain
Jimmy pretending to be sad because Jesus had to die.

We close up the tomb by rolling the front stone after placing Jesus inside...

And on Easter morning, we look to see if He's still there.... and then REJOICE as we read that He is not there, He has risen- As He said He would! And we go look for Him 
*finding the picture of Jesus hidden somewhere in our living room is fun for us. I realize it's not for everyone*


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