
Showing posts from November, 2010

Celebrating CHRISTmas: Post #1 Keeping Christ Central the Whole Season

I have always enjoyed fun and traditions. I'll share some specifics about some things we do on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the next few posts, but today, here are 10 ways we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus during the Christmas Season: 1) We have a sticker chart on our calendar to countdown. Ending on Christmas with the sticker given at church that says "Sound the horn. Christ is born!" 2) We love to make fun crafts all December- paper snow flakes, ice cream snowman (this year marshmallow snowman), paper candles, foam ornaments, etc. (the snow focus gives an opportunity to talk about Jesus as pure and sinless and how His death and blood washes those who are His white as snow.) 3) We read the Christmas story broken down into weekly chunks from a children’s bible daily and act it out or make crafts to act out: (1st week- angel visits Mary and then Joseph; 2nd week- Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem and Jesus is born, 3rd week- Angels tell the shepherds -Last year...

How Did Squanto Know English?

As Jimmy and I were reading through our favorite Thanksgiving book , he asked how Squanto knew English. I had no clue. He clearly thinks through things at a deeper level than I do. So I looked online and Justin Taylor  (a blog I highly recommend) did know!  He recommended a biography of Squanto written by Eric Metaxas. Did you know that Squanto was sold into slavery to a Spanish Monk? Or that Squanto was a professing Christian (I never heard that in school)? Or how it took 10 years, but God used an Englishman to help Squanto come back (hence his knowledge of the English language) to his homeland only to find that his entire tribe had died? His story is such an incredible example of how God is always present in our lives and there is such good, even in hardship and trials, as HE draws us to Himself and uses us to impact others to His glory. Squanto genuinely loved and cared for the pilgrims and we’re so thankful to know more about him! Our Thanksgiving books:  1) ...

In Humility Count Others More Significant Than Yourselves...

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus"-  Philippians 2:1-5 This week, I have been re-listening to a sermon from John Piper * that I heard years ago to remember the truths of loving others that I've forgotten. I remember the first time I heard this sermon, called  “ The Mind of Christ: Looking Out for the Interests of Others” . I was on my elliptical (not a convenient place for note taking). I wept and wept. I just couldn’t believe how clear that passage was as he preached. I was crushed (in a good way) by how litt...

Students Don't learn everything I teach them. They Learn What I am Excited About...

Woh-  This morning I read C. J. Mahaney's blog and have been searching and praying  ever since. Am I passionate foremost about the gospel? I spend a lot of time talking/reading/learning about parenting, marriage, and social justice... Those are good and necessary to preach/teach, but always in light of the gospel... Praying my passion is Jesus alone!!! " If I have learned anything in 35 or 40 years of teaching, it is that students don’t learn everything I teach them. What they learn is what I am excited about, the kinds of things I emphasize again and again and again and again. That had better be the gospel." - D. A. Carson

Because I Forget...

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.   Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”- Ephesians 5:15-17 I’m starting this blog to hold me accountable to live in a way that glorifies God and to encourage other young women and moms who are daily striving to seek Christ alone and make the most of every opportunity to know Him more and make Him known. In my posts I’ll share ways our family looks for the “gospel reminders” in our daily lives and traditions. I need this because I forget. I wander daily away from the truth that I need Christ and I’m not self-sufficient. I forget how much He loves me and offers forgiveness and grace because of His love for me. This is about my journey to know Him more and how I see the gospel in fresh ways and teach it to my children through traditions and daily life. Truly Christ is the center and central theme of the Bible, in my personal...

So Much to Be Thankful for

Just a repost from last year as a reminder of a fun tradition we have as we set our hearts in thankfulness towards God this month: Here are some pictures of our  "Thankful Tree". This fun and easy tradition carries through the entire month of November. We know many families who do it, but we adapted it from a  family we used to work under (thanks Jeff and Lisa Highfield). It’s a paper tree on wall decorated with paper leaves (Jimmy helped cut this year). We write a specific thing we are thankful for on each leaf. Every morning we lift our hands and say “Praise the Lord for…” and share one leaf to add to the tree. We also include a few of them in our Jacobson Journal prayer letter sent to our supporters.  Everyone who visits our house during the month gets to participate. It's fun to see what everyone is thankful for. And really neat as a Mom to watch Jimmy write his own and get excited to praise God for who He is and how He provides. These pictures were from the...